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Communities Foundation of Texas Awards The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation (TGSF) $30,000 Grant for Neighborhood-Level Initiatives
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Dallas, January 29, 2024 — The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation is delighted to announce that we have been selected as...
The Golden SEEDS Foundation Receives $880,000 ARPA Grant to Transform Oak Cliff's "The Bottom".
The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation (TGSF) is proud to announce that Dallas County Commissioner’s Court awarded a significant grant of...
Positive West Nile Virus Samples -Ground Spraying Efforts - D4
Please note the Code Compliance Service Department’s (CCS) Consumer Health Division began testing mosquitos for the presence of the West...
Dallas All Access Pass
Dallas Park and Recreation and several local partners have teamed up to offer up to 10,000 City of Dallas Teens (ages 13-17) FREE...
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