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A Journey Through The Bottom District with the Girl Scouts

Updated: May 3

In a testament to the power of education and community engagement, The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation (TGSF) recently had the privilege of hosting the Girl Scouts of Northeast Texas for a special bus tour of the Bottom District.

The Golden S.E.E.D.S. Foundation and Innovan Neighborhoods engaged the Girl Scouts in candid discussions about the work being done in the Bottom District today and the challenges that still lie ahead. From affordable housing initiatives to community development projects, the Girl Scouts learned about the ongoing efforts to revitalize and empower the community, while also gaining an appreciation for the obstacles that must be overcome.

Of particular significance was the exploration of the housing and development landscape in Southern Dallas, where TGSF and Innovan Neighborhoods shed light on the importance of understanding both the barriers and the resilience of the community. Through stories of perseverance and hope, the Girl Scouts were reminded of the indomitable spirit that has sustained generations of residents in the face of adversity.

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